We here at MountainAireVintage love to hunt for antiques and vintage items. How do we do this? We search for the things we love.
Joe...Owner, Photographer, Shipping, and Buyer
He has a great love for glassware, fine china, old dinnerware, figurines, old bottles, and more.
Patti...Owner, Cleaning, Research, and Shop Curator
She has a great love for crystal, silver and silver plate, dolls, stuffed animals (that need a home and some love), vintage jewelry, and more.
So they start their day shopping. They head for garage and estate sales. Making the best deals possible for the best items they can find.
Then the items are brought home to be washed, shined, and accessed. We polish all of our silver to find out if it has any hiddend pits or dents so we can inform our customers. From this they head for our photography table. Waiting for Joe to capture the perfect image of them.

Then he goes to work

When he has been at it a bit to long you get this:

Then from Joe's photograhy area the items get shifted to another table for research. That is where Patti takes over. It can take hours to days to research one item. But that is the excitement of doing vintage. Finding out the history behind each item. Sometimes it can be very unique and we definitely add that to our listings. We want to share as much as we can with our clients. Once the item has been researched the photos prepared then it's time for listing on Etsy and introducing the items to our clients.
There is one more member of our shop that we would love to introduce to you. He is our shop mascot. His name is Seymour Montose Weatherby...We call him Sey-Cat or Smores. He is our Public Relations Manager.

Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoy browsing our shop. We try to add one or two new items everyday so stop by often. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Have a great day!!!
Joe, Patti, and Seymour